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Revise & Thrive: Year 11 Easter Residential

GCSE Easter Residential 2024: Propel Your Teen Towards Exam Success!

Welcome to our exclusive GCSE Easter Revision Course meticulously crafted for Year 11 students! This week-long residential program is designed to elevate your child's academic journey towards exam triumph.

Use code "EasterEgg" for 10%!

Ages: 15-16 years old

Dates: 1st-5th April

Price: £299

Timings: 10:00 drop off (01/04/23) and 16:30 pick up (05/04/23)

Key Features:

Focused Morning Revision: Engage in intensive, self-led revision sessions covering core subjects like Maths, English, Science, and more from the Key Stage 4 (KS4) curriculum. Our comprehensive timetable ensures a comfortable environment for study, so students can prepare themselves for their exams.

Balanced Afternoons: In the afternoons, while taking a well-deserved break from studies, your teenager will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of exhilarating activities. Picture them sailing across the waters, paddling through new challenges, crafting water rafts, scaling heights with climbing, honing their aim in archery, leaping and bouncing in aeroball, and more thrilling adventures!

Tech-Friendly Learning: Laptops and phones are welcomed during revision sessions to aid learning. However, for a balanced approach, these devices will be collected in the evenings to encourage restful downtime.

Supportive Atmosphere: Our activities staff are present to encourage revision breaks, fostering a supportive environment for your child's academic journey. Please note, while they support revision efforts, they are not subject experts. 

Empowerment for GCSE Success: Join us for this intensive yet nurturing Easter Revision Course aimed at empowering your child for their upcoming GCSE examinations. This is your young academics opportunity to gain invaluable skills and strategies while enjoying a balanced learning experience.

This is a 5 day residential programme that may incldue activities such as Sailing, Kayaking, Canoeing, Climbing, Archery, Cycling Skills, Campcraft, Raft Building, Team Building, Low ropes and other exciting activities. There will also be planned activities for the evenings. 

All food, accommodation and equipment is included. Please be aware that no mobile phone are allowed on-site, if contact to home is quired then children will be given access to telephones in our office.