Residential Sailing Camp
Residential Sailing Camp
- Age: 13-15
- £425.00
- Monday 10:00 Drop off - Friday 15:00 Pick up
Enjoy a week of dedicated sailing tuition in a range of boats with continuous tuition from Cobnor's experienced instructors. This will include trips in Chichester Harbour, beach BBQ's and much more!
This residential week is for teenagers who wishes to experience dedicated sailing tuition should look here. This intensive week of sailing will allow participants to progress their skills following the RYA syllabus in both single and double handed boats by receiving excellent tuition from Cobnor's instructors.
If the teenager has not sailed before, we strongly recommend that they complete at least their RYA Stage 1 (two day course) prior to attending. This is because it is an intensive week and the teens attending need to firstly know that they like sailing and secondly to have a bit of foundation knowledge before committing to a full sailing week.
All food and accommodation in one of Cobnor's residential buildings is included for the Senior Camp.
Please be aware that no mobile phones are allowed on-site, if contact to home is required then children will be given access to telephones in our office.
Interest and prior sailing experience is strongly recommended for young people attending this course.